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Artelak Balance
Sist anmeldt: 14.06.2024

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"Artelak Balance" is a medical product that contains hyaluronic acid as an active ingredient. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is present in body tissues, including the eyes. It plays an important role in moisturizing and protecting the surface of the eye.
Artelak Balance is usually used as moisturizing eye drops. They help soften and moisturize dry and irritated eyes, while also providing protection to the ocular surface from external irritants such as wind, dust or pollution.
This medication may be recommended for use for a variety of eye conditions associated with dryness, discomfort, or irritation. However, before using Artelak Balance, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist to receive recommendations for use and dosage in your specific case.
Indikasjoner My Art Balance
- Dry eyes: This medication may help moisturize and soothe eyes that feel dry, burning, or uncomfortable.
- Dry Eye Syndrome: This medication may be used to relieve symptoms of dry eye syndrome, including a gritty feeling in the eyes, redness, itching, and irritation.
- Working at a computer or in air-conditioned areas: Working at a computer for long periods of time or in conditions where the air is dry can cause your eyes to become dry and irritated. "Artelak Balance" can help moisturize the eyes and alleviate their discomfort.
- Maintain eye health: The use of hyaluronic acid can help maintain ocular surface health and prevent irritation.
Artelak Balance is usually available in the form of eye drops. This is a clear solution that is applied directly to the surface of the eye using a special dispenser. Eye drops can be supplied in reusable bottles or single-use ampoule packaging.
Eye drops are usually intended for repeated use over a period of time after opening the bottle or ampoule, as indicated in the instructions for use.
- Eye moisturizing: Hyaluronic acid has high moisturizing properties. It helps retain water on the surface of the eye, providing natural hydration and softening to the eyes.
- Ocular surface protection: Hyaluronic acid creates a thin protective layer on the eye surface that helps prevent moisture evaporation and protects the eyes from irritants such as wind, dust or pollution.
- Maintain eye health: Use of hyaluronic acid may help maintain ocular surface health, reduce dryness and discomfort, and prevent damage caused by dry eyes.
- Absorption: Since hyaluronic acid is usually applied topically to the surface of the eye, its systemic absorption is insignificant. Most of the dose remains on the ocular surface, providing moisture and protection.
- Distribution: Hyaluronic acid has a high affinity for water, so it is well retained on the ocular surface, providing moisture and protection for a long time.
- Metabolism and excretion: Since hyaluronic acid is a natural component of body tissues, it is not usually subject to metabolic processes and is excreted mainly through natural mechanisms such as tears and the drainage channel.
Dosering og administrasjon
- Preparation: Before using the drops, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid eye infection.
- Drops: Bend back or lie on your back. Open the bottle or ampoule and press lightly to squeeze one drop of solution into the inferior culticonjunctival sac (the bag under the lower eyelid). At the same time, avoid touching the tip of the bottle or ampoule to the surface of the eye or skin.
- Blinking: After applying the drops, squint your eyes slightly to distribute the solution evenly over the surface of the eye. Avoid vigorously massaging the eyes or closing the eyes for several minutes after application.
- Frequency of use: Usually "Artelak Balance" is used 3-4 times a day, or as recommended by a doctor. The time interval between each application should be approximately the same.
Bruk My Art Balance under graviditet
If a pregnant woman needs to use eye drops because of dry eyes or other problems, she should discuss this with her doctor. Your doctor can evaluate the potential risks and benefits of using the drug and recommend the safest options for pregnancy.
- Individual intolerance: People with a known allergy to hyaluronic acid or other components of the drug should avoid its use.
- Infectious eye diseases: In case of infectious eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, the use of Artelak Balance eye drops may be undesirable or require consultation with a doctor.
- Eye damage or surgical interventions: Before using Artelak Balance in the postoperative period or if there is an eye injury, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
- Children: Some forms of eye drops may not be recommended for use in children without medical advice.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: The issue of using "Artelak Balance" during pregnancy or during breastfeeding requires special attention and doctor's recommendations.
Bivirkninger My Art Balance
- Rare allergic reactions: Rare cases of allergic reactions such as itching, redness of the eyes or swelling may occur.
- Temporary eye irritation: In rare cases of using drops, temporary eye irritation, burning sensation or discomfort may occur.
- Visual disturbance: Some people may experience temporary changes in visual perception after using the drops.
- Rare Infectious Complications: Although rare, improper use of eye drops may increase the risk of infectious complications, especially if the drops are used in a contaminated environment.
An overdose of Artelak Balance is unlikely due to its topical use in the form of eye drops.
Interaksjoner med andre legemidler
- Other eye drops: When using several eye medications, it is recommended to maintain an interval of several minutes between the use of Artelak Balance and other eye drops to avoid dilution or dissolution of the drug.
- Contact lenses: Before using Artelak Balance with contact lenses, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. It is generally recommended to remove contact lenses before using the drops and reinsert them some time after use.
- Medicines that affect eye pressure: When using Artelac Balance concomitantly with other drugs that affect eye pressure, such as eye drops with hypotensive effects, caution should be exercised and eye pressure should be regularly monitored.
For å forenkle oppfatningen av informasjon, blir denne instruksjonen for bruk av stoffet "Artelak Balance " oversatt og presentert i en spesiell form på grunnlag av de offisielle instruksjonene for medisinsk bruk av stoffet. Før bruk les annotasjonen som kom direkte til medisinen.
Beskrivelse gitt for informasjonsformål og er ikke en veiledning for selvhelbredelse. Behovet for dette legemidlet, formålet med behandlingsregimet, metoder og dose av legemidlet bestemmes utelukkende av den behandlende lege. Selvmedisin er farlig for helsen din.