
Vitenskap og teknologi

New genetic mechanisms may provide therapeutic targets against glioma

We found another way to treat glioma through the prism of alternative splicing and discovered new targets that were not previously identified, but are important for the malignancy of glioma

17 May 2024, 17:45

Implant sensors detect early signs of organ rejection in mice

The sensors are the first step toward creating a tool that can provide doctors with important early information about the possibility of organ rejection in transplant patients.

17 May 2024, 17:35

Effectiveness of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Binge Eating Disorder

For patients with binge eating disorder, web-based cognitive behavioral therapy leads to significant reductions in binge eating episodes and improvements in mental health outcomes.

17 May 2024, 17:21

Antidiabetic treatment is associated with a reduced risk of blood cancer

People using metformin are less likely to develop myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) over time, indicating that the treatment may help prevent the development of some types of cancer.

17 May 2024, 17:06

Study reveals key factors for resilience after trauma

Why some people recover from injury better than others is a significant advance in the study of resilience.

17 May 2024, 16:54

New blood test to detect stroke combines biomarkers with clinical assessment

Combining GFAP and D-dimer biomarker levels with FAST-ED data less than six hours after symptom onset allowed the test to detect LVO strokes with 93% specificity and 81% sensitivity.

17 May 2024, 15:09

Barrett's esophagus precedes esophageal cancer, but not all patients require removal of abnormal cells

Although the benefit is clear for patients with high-grade dysplasia, we suggest considering endoscopic eradication therapy for patients with low-grade dysplasia after a clear discussion of the risks and benefits of endoscopic therapy.

17 May 2024, 14:44

Personalized vitamin D recommendations based on latitude and skin type to help combat deficiency

Researchers calculated the approximate time of sun exposure to maintain vitamin D levels by latitude, month, and skin type, taking into account clear and cloudy sky conditions for an active person wearing modest clothing.

17 May 2024, 10:47

Improving mitochondria reverses protein accumulation in aging and Alzheimer's

A hallmark of Alzheimer's disease and most other neurodegenerative diseases is the formation of insoluble protein aggregates in the brain. 

17 May 2024, 10:36

New gene delivery vehicle promises treatment for brain diseases

The study showed that a gene therapy vector using a human protein effectively crosses the blood-brain barrier and delivers the target gene into the brains of mice with a human protein. 

17 May 2024, 10:25


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