

Why WHO changed the definition of "airborne transmission" in light of the pandemic

After the confusion of 2020, the WHO has finally changed its definition of how diseases can spread through the air. But what is the new definition—and what should happen next?

15 May 2024, 10:51

Including more women on hospital teams leads to better surgical outcomes

A new study finds that treatment at hospitals with more gender-diverse surgical teams is associated with better postoperative outcomes for patients.

15 May 2024, 10:14

FDA discusses banning formaldehyde in hair straightening products

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to ban the use of formaldehyde as an ingredient in chemical hair straightening products, also known as relaxers.

14 May 2024, 21:47

TIME lists the 100 most influential people in healthcare

TIME unveils the first TIME100 Health list, ranking the 100 most influential people in health.

08 May 2024, 14:15

50 years of saving lives through vaccination: WHO EPI program has saved 154 million lives

Researchers estimated that vaccination programs against 14 pathogens prevented about 154 million deaths from June 1974 to May 2024; this included 146 million averted deaths among children under five. 

07 May 2024, 12:00

Hvor farlig er forsinket medisiner?

Informasjon om sluttdato for bruk av medisiner betyr alltid en ting: hvis stoffet er forsinket, må det kasseres. Men de amerikanske spesialistene gjorde oppmerksom på at mange av de forsinkede medisinene fortsetter å fungere, selv etter utløpsdatoen.

31 August 2017, 09:00

Pasienten kan kontrakt sykdommen gjennom et ubehandlet stetoskop

De fleste pasienter har mulighet til å se hvordan legen håndterer armene før de undersøkes. Men ble stetoskopet behandlet etter den forrige pasienten?

01 August 2017, 09:00

Trenger jeg å ta en voksen for å unngå en epidemi?

Når det gjelder å konfrontere epidemien, forteller alle om behovet for barnevaksinering. Men hvordan å være en voksen? Trenger de å bli vaksinert, når og fra hva?

19 July 2017, 09:00

I Kina registrerte den andre bølgen av aviær influensa i denne sesongen

I Kina fortsetter en storskala epidemi av aviær influensa, som i år drepte nesten hundre mennesker.

20 February 2017, 11:00

WHO foreslår at du bruker tester for å identifisere HIV selv

Til ære for World AIDS Day utgav WHO nye anbefalinger om HIV-identifikasjon.

16 December 2016, 09:00


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