

Tick season is here. Protect yourself with these tips

Tick season is starting, and experts warn there may be as many ticks as last year.

17 May 2024, 18:23

Study Finds Climate Change Will Worsen Brain Diseases

Climate change and its impact on weather patterns and severe weather events is likely to have a negative impact on the health of people with brain diseases, says a team of researchers led by University College London (UCL).

16 May 2024, 07:40

By 2050, up to 246 million older adults could be at risk of heat exposure due to global warming

Up to 246 million people worldwide could be at risk of heat stress by 2050 due to global warming and population aging.

15 May 2024, 16:42

First global study of heatwave deaths finds more than 153,000 heatwave-related deaths

A Monash University-led study—the first to globally estimate heat wave-related deaths over a thirty-year period from 1990 to 2019—found that an additional 153,000+ warm-season deaths were attributed to heat waves, with nearly half of these deaths occur in Asia.

14 May 2024, 21:09

Climate change threatens health in Europe: urgent action needed

In a recent report, experts discussed how climate change is affecting people's health in Europe based on 42 indicators.

14 May 2024, 09:30

New model predicts the impact of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa

A new model predicting the impact of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa could lead to more targeted interventions to control the disease, according to a new study.

11 May 2024, 18:00

Hva fikk planeten vår til å varme opp mer?

Ettersom antallet aerosolpartikler i atmosfæren reduseres, mottar planeten vår mer sollys.

26 April 2024, 09:00

Forskere annonserte informasjon om renslighet av luft i regioner i verden

Denne våren ble resultatene av den sjette årlige World Clean Air Report offentliggjort i Sveits.

29 March 2024, 09:00

Radon påvirker risikoen for å utvikle hjerneslag

Moderat og økt radoneksponering er assosiert med økt risiko for hjerneslag hos middelaldrende og eldre kvinnelige representanter.

22 March 2024, 09:00

PVC og annen mikroplast som finnes i blokkerte arterier

Forskere ved Universitetet i Campania Luigi Vanvitelli i Italia har oppdaget et annet potensielt problem med arterielle plakk - tilstedeværelsen av mikroplast i dem.

21 March 2024, 09:00


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